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April 2, 2024

Are Broken Dentures a Dental Emergency?

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_berquist @ 1:52 am
set of dentures in a glass of water

Missing teeth can make daily activities like eating, speaking, and smiling challenging and embarrassing. Dentures are a popular solution for filling in these gaps, providing numerous benefits. However, they can still break and require attention. If you’re wondering whether a broken denture constitutes a dental emergency, here’s what to do, why dentures break, and how your dentist can repair them.

4 Ways That Dentures Can Become Damaged

Even with their strength and durability, modern dentures are susceptible to damage from various factors such as:

  • Accidents – Accidental impacts to the mouth or unintentional dropping of dentures can result in their breakage.
  • Bone loss – While this might not lead to denture breakage, it can result in an improper fit, necessitating adjustments or replacement.
  • Improper use – Using your restorations to open bottles or packages, cut nails, or chew on non-food items like ice can lead to damage.
  • Wear and tear – While dentures typically last around five to 10 years on average, wear and tear will eventually necessitate replacement.

What Should You Do with A Broken Denture?

Now that you understand what can cause a broken denture, what should you do if it happens? If your denture breaks, contact your dentist right away for an examination. While it’s not urgent, it’s best to have them checked sooner rather than later. After explaining the situation, your dentist can assist you in scheduling an appointment.

Buying over-the-counter denture repair kits is an option, but it’s generally not recommended because you may not know how to use them correctly. Attempting repairs on your own could result in further damage, so it’s safer to have your dentist manage any fixes.

3 Ways to Fix a Broken Denture

After your dentist examines your restoration, they will decide on the most suitable course of action. They may repair a broken denture using various methods, such as:

  • Reline – When your dentures don’t fit properly, often due to bone loss, your dentist might suggest a relining procedure. This involves reshaping the underside of your restoration to better conform to your gums.
  • Replace – An old or extensively damaged denture that cannot be repaired will probably require replacement with a new one.
  • Dental implants – If you’re deemed a suitable candidate for implant-retained dentures, which utilize four to eight titanium posts to secure them in your mouth, your dentist might suggest making the switch.

Experiencing a broken denture can be distressing, but your dentist is there to assist you. Contact them promptly when such an incident occurs, and they’ll work to restore your smile without delay!

About the Practice

Looking for a reliable dentist in Crown Point to cater to your entire family’s dental needs? Look no further than Berquist Family Dentistry, led by Dr. Daniel Jordan Berquist and Dr. Robert Jordan Berquist. Our team of highly skilled oral health professionals is dedicated to providing top-notch care for patients of all ages. We offer lifelike dentures, crafted from a gum-colored acrylic base, which are tailored to resemble and function like natural teeth. For more information on dentures or to schedule an appointment with Berquist Family Dentistry, contact us at (219) 226-0544 or visit our website.

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