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July 2, 2024

Any Questions? 4 Things to Ask during Your Next Dental Checkup

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_berquist @ 3:35 pm
patient and dentist talking

In the hustle of adulting, it’s all too easy to take the little opportunities for granted. A simple, routine checkup with your dentist may not seem like an important opening for something great, but it really could be! This visit is a chance to work with a highly trained expert on improving your smile. You should take full advantage of this appointment and get as much information as possible.

Whether you diligently attend your dental checkups, or it’s been a while since you’ve visited, here are some general questions that you and your dentist can discuss in greater detail during your dental checkup. These are basic, but they can give you a starting point!

Why Do I Need to Have a Dental Checkup Every Six Months?

The relationship with your dentist should be based on trust and honesty. They strongly recommend visiting at least every six months for your health and benefit, because it doesn’t take long for oral problems to develop. In that amount of time, for example, a cavity can begin to delve into the tooth. If you regularly see your dentist, however, they can catch these issues as early as possible—before a cavity hurts you and requires more extensive and expensive treatment.

Why Are Dental X-Rays Necessary?

Your dentist cannot see every surface of each tooth with their little mirror. X-rays can reveal decay that lurks between teeth and can show exactly how deep the cavity goes, helping your dentist know what treatment you need. As an adult, you probably will get X-rays once per year just to make sure there aren’t hidden issues that your dentist can’t easily see.

What Is Proper Flossing Technique?

If you’re not sure you’re flossing correctly, you should definitely ask your dentist to demonstrate and explain the proper technique. Don’t be embarrassed; they will be happy you asked and thrilled that you want to improve your oral hygiene.

What More Can I Do at Home to Prevent Cavities and Gum Disease?

On top of brushing and flossing every day—as well as coming in for checkups regularly—there are simple things you can do in your lifestyle to improve your oral health. For instance, if you drink or eat a lot of sugar, cutting back can reduce the amount of acidic content in your mouth. Having sips of water throughout the day keeps both your mouth and your body well hydrated, reducing your risk of tooth and gum infection. Depending on your needs and lifestyle, your dentist may recommend other tips!

Although you may have taken this common appointment for granted in the past, you can take the next opportunity to talk with your dentist and benefit the most from your time in the chair.

About the Practice

At Berquist Family Dentistry, Dr. Daniel and Dr. Robert Berquist are qualified not only to handle more complex treatments but also preventive services like dental checkups. They take the time to build a relationship with each patient and get to know their individual needs. If you are due for a dental checkup, contact our Crown Point office online or call us at (219) 227-6989 to schedule an appointment.

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